Samer Naif


Exploration of tectonic margins and oceanic plate interiors with magnetotelluric, controlled- source electromagnetic, and active-source seismic imaging methods.


I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Tech. I lead the Electromagnetic Geophysics Lab (EGL), which studies a variety of problems relevant to the solid Earth Sciences. To date, my research has focused on marine electromagnetic and (to a lesser extent) seismic methods for imaging the crust and mantle structure beneath oceanic plates and subduction zone margins; integrating MT observations with the petrology of silicate melting to constrain the stability and composition of magma in the upper mantle and beneath volcanoes; and unraveling the history of the Cocos Plate.


  • PhD in Earth Sciences, 2015
    • UCSD – Scripps Institution of Oceanography
  • MSc in Earth Sciences, 2011
    • UCSD – Scripps Institution of Oceanography
  • BSc in Environmental Engineering, 2009
    • UC San Diego